Choosing the Right Place for a Backyard Fish Pond

The owner and president of Lazarus Realty Services in Ocean, New Jersey, Larry J. Ansell leads a broad spectrum of commercial and industrial real estate sales and management operations. Larry Ansell’s straightforward life goals include having a fish pond in his backyard.
Before making plans to install a backyard fish pond, it is important to ensure that your local bylaws and neighborhood regulations allow you to have that pond on your property. Then you must look for an area of level ground that does not accumulate water and drains well under heavy rainfall. Furthermore, your future fish pond site must be free of water pipes, sewer lines, cables, and underground infrastructure.
To support a healthy fish population, you will want to consider a location that offers ample sunshine but falls under a certain amount of shade at the hottest points of the day. You can also create areas of underwater shade by introducing aquatic vegetation, such as lotus pads and water lilies, into your pond.

Backyard Pond Maintenance

An experienced real estate broker in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, Larry J Ansell is President of Lazarus Realty Services. Outside of work, Larry Ansell strives to learn outdoor hobbies like gardening and to start a fish pond.

Caring for a backyard pond entails several types of maintenance at once to ensure the fish and plant species within thrive. One task that should occur often is removing debris like leaves from nearby trees, uneaten fish food, and any dead plants living in the pond. The decay of these materials will release toxins into the ecosystem. Vacuuming up debris from the bottom of the pond, pruning any nearby terrestrial plants, and during fall, installing nets supplemented by mats can catch leaves before they fall in the water.

Another common problem faced by backyard ponds is algae growth. Although a small amount of algae is acceptable, an excessive amount or an algae bloom will also harm any native organisms by rendering the water toxic. Organic algaecides can remedy the issue, alongside shading the pond surface with aquatic plants or carefully-pruned terrestrial ones. Cleaning add-ons like pumps and fountains, common algae growth locations, can also reduce its spread.

Past Life Regression – Opening Doors to Submerged Memory and Insight

Larry J. Ansell is an Ocean, New Jersey, real estate executive who also has extensive knowledge of holistic healing modalities. As a Doctor of Metaphysical Healing, Larry J. Ansell has experience in past life regression therapy, which can open new doors within the psyche.

The foundation of this type of therapy is hypnosis, which can be achieved in a number of ways, including counting down and guided, slow breathing. This brings the person undergoing the therapy into a state of deep relaxation. Discussions then touch on experiences from prior lives that run the gamut from positive and life-affirming to extremely painful.

This central focus on past lives involves the principle of reincarnation. It is hypothesized that, even when the body is gone, the consciousness (or soul) continues to exist across multiple lifetimes and there is a certain amount of carryover between experiences in various lives. Some indications of this may be a sense of déjà vu about something seemingly encountered for the first time. In other cases, one may feel strangely familiar around someone who appears to be a stranger.

Past life regression therapy can help unearth buried memories and bring them to the surface, where they can be analyzed and potentially resolved. In addition, it may spark thought and discussion of the fluid nature of reality.

Past Life Regression Therapy Provides Lasting Insights

Larry J. Ansell meets the needs of New Jersey real estate clients and has a background in metaphysics, as a Doctor of Metaphysical Healing and Ro-Hun therapy as a Doctor of Ro-Hun Therapy. Larry J. Ansell has completed coursework in the (PLR) past life regression therapy.

A form of hypnotherapy, PLR combines hypnosis and talk therapy and is rooted in the idea that we benefit from accessing experiences and memories usually kept buried in the subconscious. PLR sessions enable participants to regain connection and come to terms with experiences in past lives.

PLR also provides insight into various aspects of one’s current everyday life. Examples include using past life experiences as a lens for understanding why certain places resonate or why unresolved emotions persist into the present. In other cases, past life experience may affect relationships with others and physical ailments that develop over time. Many PLR sessions acknowledge valuable lessons gained through careful attention to past lives within a guided therapy context.

Building a Simple Water Feature to Improve Biodiversity in Your Garden

Larry J Ansell is an investment property manager who worked mainly in developing retail and business-related properties. Larry J Ansell enjoys gardening in his free time and creating a conducive space for nature to thrive.

A carefully maintained garden space may attract the presence of wildlife and promote biodiversity. Doing so requires one to anticipate the needs of these creatures and provide solutions. One way to make your garden conducive for animals is to create a place for them to drink or bathe; if a full pond is too much for your budget, then a bucket pond can be a cost-effective alternative. Birds, amphibians, and small mammals aren’t picky, so the simple addition of a small body of water can be most beneficial to them, even if it seems humble to human eyes.

Adding a bucket pond to your garden is as easy as finding a suitable bucket or plastic tub, lining the bottom with gravel, and digging a hole to place it somewhere in the garden. If you can’t dig a hole, placing the bucket on the ground or in an elevated position is fine, but make sure you have something leaning against the bucket so that non-flying animals can climb in and out. It is also good to put rocks or other suitable debris in the water so smaller animals can climb out if they fall in. In Spring and Summer, you can even grow grass around the pond or lay down water lilies in the water for a more natural look.

Aquaponics – A Sustainable Integration of Gardening and Fishing

Gardeners who also enjoy fish ponds can cultivate a garden that includes aquatic life and plants through aquaponic gardening. This layout involves providing an aquatic habitat for fish while growing plants in the water or using a pump to circulate the water between the habitat and surrounding pants. The plants receive nutrients from the fish’s excrement and promote the health of the fish by filtering the water.

Aquaponics systems function by means of two actors: beneficial bacteria and composting red worms. Beneficial bacteria, found on moist surfaces, convert the ammonia in fish excrement into nitrate, a nitrogen-based compound that fertilizes plants. Without these bacteria, the ammonia would contaminant the water and become toxic to the fish. Furthermore, composting red worms play a crucial role in preventing plant waste from polluting the aquatic environment. They convert decaying plant matter into a humus-like material called vermicompost, which help suppress plant diseases and parasitic nematodes.

Nearly all freshwater fish species are suitable for aquaponic gardening. While many aquaponic gardeners populate their aquatic habitat with tilapia, some also include catfish, trout, and bluegill, among others. Aquaponic gardens can also sustain most types of plants, but those such as blueberries that require an acidic environment cannot thrive in them because aquaponic systems maintain a fairly neutral pH.

How High Frequency Impacts Health and Social Life

New Jersey-based real estate professional Larry Ansell leverages nearly four decades of real estate and property management experience to lead Lazarus Realty Services as president. A doctor of Ro-Hun Therapy, as well as a doctor of metaphysical healing, Larry J. Ansell is interested in spiritual health and well-being topics such as the influence of high frequency on health and social life.

The body’s energy frequency has a significant impact on one’s health and social life. Regardless of their looks, some people are considered irresistibly attractive to others. These people have a commanding presence that draws attention everywhere they go. This is due to their extremely high energy frequency.

People with high energy are typically pleasant and enthusiastic, difficult to ignore, creative, compassionate, and confident. They do not go to extremes with their emotions and are typically in a cheerful mood. They live a rigorous lifestyle and have a healthy love for themselves. For example, they enjoy eating nutritious foods, getting up on time, and performing other healthy daily rituals. Intelligence is also associated with high frequency. People that resonate with these frequencies talk and act with wisdom.

ARE’s Prison Outreach Program

Larry J. Ansell has been investing in both commercial and residential real estate for decades and has owned various real estate and financial investment enterprises, including Lazarus Realty Services. Aside from real estate and finance, Larry Ansell is a member of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment, known as the “ARE”.

Edgar Cayce founded the association in 1931. The organization’s mission is “to create opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, and spirit through the wisdom found in Edgar Cayce material.”

ARE runs a prison-outreach program that provides inmates with free books about principles discussed in Edgar Cayce’s materials. The program gets around 650 family requests and letters for books every month. It is an outlet for free books for more than 10,000 juvenile and adult inmates throughout the country each year, creating hope and inspiration. A letter from one of the prisoners reads, “I can’t even begin to describe the amount of gratitude I feel toward all of you who have made the outreach program possible. I think it’s really important for us inmates to remember that incarceration is meant to be a time for correction and growth – not punishment and resentful brooding.”

An Overview of How the Stock Market Works

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A leader in the real estate sector in New Jersey, Larry J. Ansell leads Lazarus Realty Services as president and owner. Having graduated college with a concentration in finance, Larry J. Ansell previously worked for such companies as JDL Capital Resources and Transnational Funding. Larry J. Ansell also maintains a firm understanding of the stock market and has been heavily invested in stocks and bonds, including cryptocurrencies.

Individual investors, companies, and institutional investors buy and sell stocks from companies on the stock market exchanges. Stocks represent an ownership interest in a business that has gone public. When someone buys a stock, they are purchasing part of the business selling the stock. This means they receive a portion of the company’s success. Depending on whether this is common or preferred stock, owners may also get voting rights at corporate meetings and have a say in such things as the election of the members of the board of directors.

The stock market functions through a network of exchanges, including the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange. Companies list their shares on these networks via an initial public offering (IPO) and investors can purchase certain shares, thereby providing companies with capital. Investors can buy and sell these stocks among themselves on the stock market exchange, as well. However, the prices of these stocks are not set by the company after the IPO. Rather, prices adhere to the principles of supply and demand.

Definition of Peak Experiences in Psychology

Author and real estate executive Larry Ansell also has a diverse background in energy healing and therapy. Larry Ansell holds several degrees and designations from Delphi University, where he completed courses in transpersonal psychology.

Transpersonal psychology was first introduced by psychologist Abraham Maslow, famous for his work on the hierarchy of needs. His theory organized human needs from the most basic, such as food and water, to higher-level needs such as belonging and prestige. The pinnacle of the human condition is self-actualization, a state where people pursue their creativity and fulfill their potential.

Peak experiences are psychological events associated with self-actualization. While self-actualization is rarely reached, peak experiences are common. Some of the most familiar sources of peak experiences include watching the sunset or falling in love. However, Maslow believed that peak experiences occur more frequently when people are striving for self-actualization.

During a peak experience, individuals feel a sense of euphoria and connection to the broader world. The event usually has a lasting impact on the individual and may even spur a significant life change.

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