Definition of Peak Experiences in Psychology

Author and real estate executive Larry Ansell also has a diverse background in energy healing and therapy. Larry Ansell holds several degrees and designations from Delphi University, where he completed courses in transpersonal psychology.

Transpersonal psychology was first introduced by psychologist Abraham Maslow, famous for his work on the hierarchy of needs. His theory organized human needs from the most basic, such as food and water, to higher-level needs such as belonging and prestige. The pinnacle of the human condition is self-actualization, a state where people pursue their creativity and fulfill their potential.

Peak experiences are psychological events associated with self-actualization. While self-actualization is rarely reached, peak experiences are common. Some of the most familiar sources of peak experiences include watching the sunset or falling in love. However, Maslow believed that peak experiences occur more frequently when people are striving for self-actualization.

During a peak experience, individuals feel a sense of euphoria and connection to the broader world. The event usually has a lasting impact on the individual and may even spur a significant life change.

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