Choosing the Right Place for a Backyard Fish Pond

The owner and president of Lazarus Realty Services in Ocean, New Jersey, Larry J. Ansell leads a broad spectrum of commercial and industrial real estate sales and management operations. Larry Ansell’s straightforward life goals include having a fish pond in his backyard.
Before making plans to install a backyard fish pond, it is important to ensure that your local bylaws and neighborhood regulations allow you to have that pond on your property. Then you must look for an area of level ground that does not accumulate water and drains well under heavy rainfall. Furthermore, your future fish pond site must be free of water pipes, sewer lines, cables, and underground infrastructure.
To support a healthy fish population, you will want to consider a location that offers ample sunshine but falls under a certain amount of shade at the hottest points of the day. You can also create areas of underwater shade by introducing aquatic vegetation, such as lotus pads and water lilies, into your pond.

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